It was lovely to check-in with members of Crew Churchill this afternoon to chat about how the week has gone.
Everyone was extremely positive, having now settled into regular routines for school work and free time.
It was also good to check-in with crew’s pledges which were made last week.
Here’s what Crew said:
Adam has tried to up his HUMs completion rate and this is improving. He’s pledged to join a hangout on Monday morning during which Mrs. Parker will go through any tasks students are finding tricky.
Kyle has been ticking along nicely and kept his pledge by emailing Mr. Portman to find out what he needed to do for Citizenship. Nice work, Kyle!
Rhys is just cracking on with his work and has completed everything he has been set!
Ruby has shared work she previously couldn’t hand in because of technical issues.
Theone has continued to work hard (as she always does) and feels really chilled!
Take a look at some of the work Theone has been completing:

As a crew, we also pledged to check out the Duke of Edinburgh classroom and make sure we’re having a go at the First Aid challenge and completing our physical section even though we’re not in school.

A great week, Crew! Really proud of you all 😉