Below are the winning raffle numbers and prizes. These are ready to collect from the office until the end of Friday.
Category : Community
Good morning, we are in need of help! As you may be aware, FXP traditionally support the students in their POL/COL by providing refreshments, etc.
Next week there are 3 events, (Tue, Wed & Thur), however we are extremely short on volunteers, particularly the Thursday evening.
If we don’t have the support, we can’t support the evening itself. If you can spare any time at all between 5pm-7pm it would be very much appreciated!
Also if anyone would like to donate any baked goods to sell please contact FXP on their Facebook page by clicking here.
Thank you!
We can confirm a closing date of 9am on the 27th APRIL for this competition.
We currently have 134 squares remaining at a cost of £5 a square with all proceeds being used to support the students’ expeditions. If you would like to take part, simply choose a letter A-T and a number 1-10 and send your details/payment in an envelope to the office FAO: FXP.
Top prize is return travel for 4 & car w/cabin to Shetland or Orkney courtesy of Northlink ferries, worth over £700! Other prizes include a suitcase, travel toiletries, Orkney Gin, Whiskey and chocolate. FXP members will be selling squares in the carpark after school once the Easter break has passed as well as at any COL that happen between now and the draw date.
Many thanks as always and please share/spread the word to those who may not be online.
Race night tickets available at both our XP East School COL this evening and our XP School COL at The Point!
Look out for our FXP members who can get you your tickets! £5 each & includes Pie & peas/beans supper, at Diamond Lounge in Doncaster (Over 18’s only please).
Only a couple of days to go!!
Do you have books at home that are still in good condition but no longer needed?
Maybe you updated your bookshelves over Christmas or received some as gifts which you’ve already read?
Don’t leave them to gather dust in your rooms, gift them to us and let our students enjoy and engage with them over and over again!
From now until Easter, #FXP are asking for donations of any books, fact and fiction that are suitable for reading ages of 12+, although we are particularly in need of TEEN/YA material for our pupils in year 9 onwards!
If you have any books that you think will be suitable please bring them to school in a bag marked FAO: FXP and we will gratefully sort them for the library. Any that are deemed too young/too old will be passed on to local children’s hospitals/hospice and charities so that other children throughout Doncaster can also benefit from your kindness as well as some that will be resold at our events to help raise funds for new books that we will donate ourselves on your behalf, thereby creating our own book-cycle.
Don’t forget to share with your family & friends who may be able to help our quest too – your support genuinely does make such a difference!
Our first FUNdraising event this year is on 23rd Feb at The Doncaster Diamond Lounge, for over 18’s only – we are hoping to run a race night with a mini auction and a pie and peas supper. We would like to invite all parents/carers, family, friends and staff so be sure to save the date!
Any help on the night or promoting the event on it’s run up would be extremely well received and we would love to hear from anyone willing to give up some of their free time to help out.
We are also bringing you a Treasure Map competition, with tickets from NorthLink Ferries as a prize!
Further details and tickets for both events will be available soon!
As it is the start of a new term (& a new year) FXP are on the beg again for donations of raffle/auction prizes from local businesses, parents and staff, for this event and others, that we can use to raise funds to help support our students in their expeditions.
Please send anything suitable into the office, clearly marked FAO: FXP, or feel free to message us/comment below if you’d like to get in touch with offers/suggestions or ideas.
Thanks as always and don’t forget our next meeting is at school on Wednesday 24th January at 6pm – new faces always welcome!
Take care & Happy New Year to you all!
Happy 1st of December!
So there are a few COL’s coming up before the Christmas break and, as always, FXP will be on hand to provide your usual refreshments. We will have our Purple Vouchers books available if you’ve not got yours yet, along with some XP Merchandise too – the perfect token gift ideas! We will also be asking parents/carers to vote on what you would like your fundraising to support in school this year!
If you would like to volunteer an hour or so to help out on one of the nights or would like to donate any cakes/bakes, please let us know! Any help is always very much appreciated.
Many thanks & we look forward to seeing you all soon.
COL dates are:
Wednesday 13th
Thursday 14th
Monday 18th
Tuesday 19th
Wednesday 20th
Many Thanks
For those of you who haven’t yet heard, FXP are holding our first Ladies Night on the 10th November, from 6pm at school – With a unique mix of stalls available for Christmas shopping, a Pop-Up Pamper Parlour, Mini Bar, Refreshments & more – Tickets are available from the office, FXP members in the car park after school, or at the door on the night, all priced £3 each and include a FREE soft drink, FREE cake/biscuit or mince pie and a FREE raffle ticket! We hope you can make it – However, we are in genuine need of volunteers to help our evening run as smoothly as possible!
With a large number of stall holders and guests expected to attend, there are roles open for anyone who may be able to help set up, take down and run stalls on the night, any time from 3.30pm onwards. Although the evening itself is for ladies, staff/volunteers are of course welcome regardless of gender and whether you can spare ten minutes or 3 hours, your time will be greatly appreciated. We also need donations for our Bottle & Chocolate Tombola if you have any please. Our FXP Crew includes all of us and benefits all our students – it’s your support that helps make it happen and we are sincerely grateful for your input, however large or small.
If you do have any donations, please let us know & drop them at the school in the week beginning Monday 6th November, clearly marked ‘FXP’ and if you would like to be involved in what’s shaping up to be a fab night in less than a few weeks’ time, please contact us (via our FB Page or e-mail [email protected]) and we will happily add your name to our volunteer list.
We have a brilliant raffle going ahead, with prizes donated from each company attending, so if you would like to buy raffle tickets but can’t make it on the night, don’t despair! Our members will be selling tickets in the car park after school in the week leading up to the event itself or you can contact us and we will send out your tickets via the office!
Don’t forget we still have Purple Vouchers books available at £22 each, full of discounts & offers for the whole family, with each one sold generating an instant £5 for ‘Friends of XP’ funds – please share!
We’d like to take a moment to quickly thank everyone who came along to our first ‘Family Quiz Night’, a couple of weeks ago – a great evening was had, with 15 teams taking part and a fantastic buffet provided. We’ve had some lovely feedback with requests to repeat the event next year and a wonderful £150 raised for FXP Funds! We’re so pleased that everyone enjoyed themselves. Special thanks to our members and Duke of Edinburgh students who gave up their Friday night, to help serve our guests and lovely to see so many staff participating too.
Our next meeting for your records is 15th November – 6pm at the school. New members and fundraising suggestions welcome.
Thanks as always for your continued support, look forward to seeing you on the 10th!
Take care,
#FXP would like to invite you to their first social event of the school year!
They are hosting a FAMILY QUIZ NIGHT, with a mix of questions on different subjects covering separate eras, so that **all** ages are able to take part
They can’t wait to welcome all our crew, new & existing to what promises to be a fab, FUNdraiser to start the year!
Letters will be handed out in the carpark/after school soon & tickets will be available to pre-book only for this event, so that we can be sure to cater for all our guests! (Please return your entry form/payment with any special dietary requirements by Friday 6th October please).
Get your thinking caps on & your team together there are prizes for the best name and a mixed hamper prize for the winning team!
Tickets priced £20 per table/team and includes a cold buffet – maximum table/team size of 6 people. All ages welcome! See you there