As part of their ‘Being Human’ expedition, Year 8 students will be travelling to Liverpool to the International Slavery Museum on 16/11/23 XP School and 23/11/23 XP East. Students will take part in workshops led by the museum staff and get to absorb themselves within the stories from the transatlantic slave trade.
We will be leaving Doncaster at 8:00am prompt so students will need to meet on their school’s stairs at 7:40am. They will require a packed lunch (free school meal students will be provided with a packed lunch if they require one) and we will be aiming to leave Liverpool to return home at 2:30pm. Our predicted arrival time back at school will be 5:00pm traffic dependent. The website will be updated on the day with our ETA if it is to be any different.
X29 Admiral & Skipper – 16/11/23
E29 Explorer & Pioneer – 23/11/23
This is a fundamental part of the expedition and it is expected that students attend this fieldwork in order to provide them with the relevant experience and knowledge to complete the Presentation of Learning at the end of this term.
For any further information please contact Harriet Woodward ([email protected]) as fieldwork lead.