Our C28 cohort have been working incredibly hard on our Macbeth content including analysis and drama techniques!
The first week back after half term on Tuesday after school we will be hosting auditions for our central characters such as Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and the Weird Sisters. Any students who have put themselves for a lead role will be asked over half term to memorise a number of lines from one of their favourite scenes, in order to perform a portrayal of their chosen character.
The cast will be finalised in the first week after half term.
In the second week back, we will be offering drop-in drama sessions to help with characterisation, line delivery and confidence building.
Further information will be posted on google classroom and parents and guardians will be emailed in due course.
Have a wonderful rest and let’s come back re-energised ready to smash the rest of our expedition!
Miss Buckley