Blind Drawing – Communication is Key!

We had an excellent Crew session this morning – fun with a purpose. We used a Blind Drawing protocol using images linked to their current HUMS expedition to highlight some of the recent challenges we face in Crew regarding talking over each other.

Woody made an excellent point as we debriefed:

“The first time we did it everyone was talking over each other to get our point across. But the second time we took it in turns and it was a lot easier to describe how to draw the image.”

There was excellent teamwork, and a definite improvement in the way they planned to attack the challenge the second time, and a marked improvement in how they communicated with each other. Well done, Crew Shackleton.


The Protocol

One student is the drawer. The rest of the group have to come and look at an image, in turn, for 30 seconds and memorise as much of it as they can. They then have to go back to the drawer and use their communication to describe the image they saw in a way that enables them to draw an accurate representation of it. Each group member does this in turn and then we all take a look at the final drawings and compare them to the original.