Being Wise and Mindful!

Clean Up!

This week Crew Rashford armed themselves with bin liners and pickers, clearing the grounds of XPE of litter. We really worked well as a crew, buddying up and the end result was fantastic.

We talked about the importance of keeping our school clean and tidy of debris. We discussed the impact litter has on us and the environment.

The input from Crew members highlighted our own actions and ways we can help make the environment a cleaner place. We talked about the use of single use plastics and how long they stay buried on landfill sites, this was a an eye opener for some.

It is safe to say that they all have a mutual respect for our community and the wider environment. 

We pledge to do play a role in climate change and looking after the environment!

Fab work Crew Rashford, just fab!

Mindful Monday’s  – Stand up, Speak Out

This term in our Wise Wednesday sessions the guiding question is – Why should we stand up for democracy? 

The learning target was for Crew to explore social and cultural factors that help shape our identities by reading and analysing a short story and then creating their own personal identity charts.. 

Crew Rashford grappled with this particular session, they really had to look inside themselves and pinpoint areas and describe themselves and others. But WOW, they took on the challenge and really stepped up.

Listening to each other’s views and stories has not only helped to raise awareness within Crew, but also built stronger relationships. For some they started openly understand who they are as young teens and how others view them, and also the amazing character traits they hold.

We also watched a short video called “The bear that wasn’t by Frank Tashlin.

We unpicked the story and talked about why and how the bear may have felt, showing compassion and empathy towards this example. We was able to link this to our own life experiences and showed real integrity in discussing this.

The lesson we took from this was, always be the best version of yourself, but most importantly always stay true to you, always be you!

Here are of some of the words used to describe Crew Rashford, see if you can relate to them? Some of these are inherited and some are parts of their identity they chose themselves.

Kind, sassy, considerate, different, knowledgable, wise, outgoing, bubbly, adventurous, brave, introvert, extrovert hard-working, me, lazy, tall, short, confident.

We are really looking forward to more in depth, mature and opinion based conversation, character growth is key!

You amaze us everyday, keep up this great work in Crew everyone.

Mrs Watson and Miss Bowser