Another ace week in PE

This week in PE we started our new enrichment timetable, which saw an large number of students attending. Let keep it up.

On Wednesday a group of our BTEC Sport leaders supported active fusion with the indoor primary athletics. The group led events demonstrating many of our character traits.

Thursday was another great day in PE as students represented XP/XP East at the indoor athletics. We had some excellent performances, huge well done to everyone who participated. Looking forward to summer.

Next week in PE

Monday- Year 10 boys football away return at 5.30

Tuesday- Boys football practice and cheerleading practice. 3.30-.4.30

Wednesday- Year 8 netball tournament return at 5.45. Year 7/8 girls football away return at 5.15pm.

Thursday- BTEC sport and health and social care learning labs 3.30-4.30