This week in Crew, we asked the question…
“How are things going so far?”
Here are a few of the responses that were given:
Faith Farmery
During Year 9, school has changed: new crew leader, new teachers, new Covid-19 rules. We haven’t just learnt new information about topics, we have gotten used to new seating plans, new timetables and new ways of learning. We have become better at managing our time during online learning, we get to different hangouts on time. We are also better at getting the right documents open so that we can do our work. So, during Year 9 I think we have done pretty well so far.
Zachary Hague
This year it has been a new experience for everyone. Due to recent ongoing events school has closed and we have had to adapt to a completely new way of living. Personally I think that the teaching staff and students have handled this really well and are doing their best to make online learning as stress free and fun as possible.
Lucie-Mae Cordell
So far this year I think it is going pretty well, we have all adapted to online learning. We are all turning up to lessons and not leaving half way through unless we have a valid reason. We also complete the work to the best of our ability.
Jacob Sutton
The start of 2021 has been tough, with surprising new lockdown restrictions meaning students are having to work from home all over the country. No one was ready for these restrictions and no one was ready for another lockdown. Yet as a country we have powered through it. In our crews’ case we have all been trying our hardest to get work done from home and learn, which is particularly hard being in a global pandemic. Although, I don’t think we could work hard without the teachers support and organising lessons and hangouts while being at home!
Théa Clarkson
So far this year I think we have done amazing, especially with what has been going on. We have adapted quickly to new ways of learning. I also think the teachers have done really well with the new way of teaching and coming up with work for us to do. From the start of year 9 we have had a new crew leader (Miss Mitchell). I would like to say thank you to her because even though we’re a pain sometimes, she has been patient with us and made a lot of our crew sessions fun and unique.
James Hudson
During our time back at school after the christmas holidays i think year nine have adapted as if it was nothing. As well as that, we have also been working as hard as we possibly can. It has been a very unusual experience but it has been very rewarding because lots of people seem to be contributing lots more.This week our crew has nominated three people for ‘star pupil of the week’, students that have worked especially hard and adapted to the strange online experience and have helped others. This has been a good way to show our achievements over this online learning and makes us feel better about it.
So it seems Crew Anoa’i have been settling into online learning very well. So much so, that a few of our crew were mentioned in our community meeting this week.
The teaching and support staff of year 9 created a slideshow full of fantastic achievements fulfilled by E25. We shared this with the students and appreciated them for their consistent hard work and praised everyone for taking on the challenge of online learning during a global pandemic. Let’s see who made it onto the list from Crew Anoa’i!

Well done everyone!!
#AllThingsNew #KeepItUpCrew