E24 have started work on their final product in HUMS. They have been tasked with writing a poem about Doncaster, inspired by Tony Walsh’s ‘This is the Place’.
This week, we used Academic Crew to explore some of the poetic devices they could use in their poems.
We started off with a GoGoMo, before circling back up to have a game of bingo to see if Crew could match the definitions to the device. Finally, Crew were split into teams, and each team had to find and give examples of 3 devices from the list. There was some ‘healthy’ debate over the word ‘moaning’ as an example of onomatopoeia; Mr Brown later confirmed that it was! (Mackenzie – 1 Mrs Parker – 0!!)
Academic Crew gives us the opportunity to build on our skills and knowledge, to support what we’ve been learning in lessons. It was lovely to see Crew support each other with their learning, and even lovelier to see members of my Crew putting some of their new knowledge into practice in lessons.
I can’t wait to read their poems!