XP16 HoWLs Analysis

Since last Friday students have been analysing their Habits of work and Learning (HoWLS). This forms part of our Narrative for success, together with our attendance and academic progress. (Academic progress data will be out early December).

Our HoWLS (Habits of work & learning) are:
Work Hard:
I arrive for each class on time and prepared
I participate fully and mindfully in class
I complete all work in a timely manner to the best of my ability

Get Smart:
I take responsibility for my learning by asking questions and seeking help when needed.
I assess my work based on established criteria and rubrics
I welcome feedback and revise my work

Be Kind:
I communicate politely and kindly
I work cooperatively with others
I take care of resources and materials and act as a steward of our community

Teachers assess students on their HoWLS at set times during the academic year and are graded between 1 to 4.5.

< 2.5 Serious 2.5 – 2.9: Concern 3 – 3.4: ok / secure 3.5 – 3.9: Great > 4: Awesome

Students should be achieving at least a 3!

This data is then analysed by students during crew so they can identify areas of success that can be celebrated and areas that need to be improved on. By doing this students take accountability and ownership of their learning.

I’d like to mention there were a number of students that achieved 4’s across all their subjects so Mr Portman offered to buy them a KFC as a treat to say well done!

Well done to Ethan booth, Maisey Sutherland and Klaudia Bieszczad!!!!

This is us last week analysing our CREW HoWLS together

Once students have analysed their data they make pledges on what they are going to improve on. This is then supported by a crew leader pledge of how we can support them further.

We will be displaying this information in our XP16 area so that we are continuously reminded of where we are and where we want to be and what pledges we have made.

Our next session, Friday 4th December, students will be sending a copy of their HoWLS analysis home for you to see. We will also be spending some of crew doing ‘an act of Christmas Kindness’ by serving out hot chocolate and mince pies to staff around both schools.

XP16 Students will be sitting Mock exams in the final 2 weeks of this term. Next week I will share our Mock Exam process with you so you know when to expect Mock results in January and when the student led conferences will take place.

Please can I remind parents to sign up to the XP East Website to receive automatic web posts so that you don’t miss any important information to do with XP16.

Best wishes,

XP16 Lead
XP Trust Outdoor Expedition Lead