Digi Crew is go!

Today we were really excited to launch our new Digi Crew – and even more excited that our first project involves working with Jon Kelly from our local community radio station, Sine FM. We’ll be hitting the airwaves soon with our Stand Up! Doncaster broadcast, where we will talk about why it’s important to make a stand, our pledges to make our community a better place, all mixed in with some music!

We kicked off our first session with some media training, particularly focusing on radio presenting skills, and even made it into the recording studio where we made a start on our radio show.

Here’s Aran’s overview of today’s session:

Today, some students from XP East have been experiencing the life of a presenter. In XP, the community radio station is supervised by Jon Kelly. Jon gave each group a task to work on. The aim was to describe a colour to an imaginary blind person (this was much harder than we thought it would be!) After this, John gave us another activity – it was to describe a place in Doncaster.  It was almost like having to paint a picture, but with words!

He then explained that these exercises were to help us learn how to talk to an audience when in the recording studio. All of us had to answer a question from our last HUMAN expedition ‘Stand Up!’ about what making a stand means to us, as a community.

Catch us soon so we can update you next time!

The Digi Crew