You’ve got a friend in me

In today’s crew we discussed friendships, and specifically how to deal with conflict within our friendship circles, and considered how our behaviour and words impact on others.

We used our character traits as a reference point for appropriate behaviour (see – they’re also relevant for our lives outside of school!) and we were able to start to resolve an issue between some of our crew members.  We kept on coming back to the notion of ‘crew are family’, and discussed how upsetting it was to us a whole unit when people fall out.  One thing we all strongly agreed on is that any issues which occur outside of school or at break times should be ‘left at the door’ and not impact on lesson time.

Building and maintaining good friendships is always tricky no matter how old you are.  We’re in the unique situation of starting at a new school with new people to get to know.  There are bound to be a few squabbles along the way.  But we are also crew, and crew sort things out together.