World Cup Draw

Blog Post by Brendan.

On Thursday 14th June we drew our World Cup teams out of a hat.  So whichever team we got we have to follow that country.  Whoever’s team gets the furthest gets a prize (to be decided!)

It was really funny to see the reactions of the people in my crew as most people wanted certain teams, for instance Megan wanted Germany and got Argentina; Mackenzie wanted France and got Egypt and Peru.

To be honest I think I was the only one who got the team that they wanted, so lucky me! (I wanted Russia.)

Here’s the full list:

Ali – France and Poland

Noah – Portugal and Mexico

Megan – Argentina and Australia

Mrs Parker – Korea and Spain

Tom D –  Belgium and Tunisia

Nicole – Senegal and Denmark

Thomas H – Germany and Saudi Arabia

Aden – England and Columbia

Brendan – Russia and Morocco

Mackenzie – Peru and Egypt

Libby – Uruguay and Ireland

Dakota – Japan and Iceland

Bryn – Sweden and Panama