I’ve spent most of the last 3 weeks on Google Hangouts with Y6 students who are coming to join us at the end of August. These meetings usually happen in person at their primary school, but our transition process is yet another thing that we’ve had to take online!
I’ve met some very excited children who can’t wait to start school. I’ve also met some very anxious children (and parents, too!)
I asked Crew if they could remember their own Y6/7 transition visits… Most could, and could even remember which member of staff visited them, which I guess shows the impact of these visits.
We had a lovely discussion about what their Y6 selves were worried about as they moved up to our school: most were worried about not knowing anyone, not making new friends and that the work would be too hard.
And these were more or less the same worries that the current Y6’s spoke to me about, 4 years on!
So, what advice would my Crew give to Y6 students today?
- You will definitely make friends on your first day, and even if you struggle, your Crew will always look out for you.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
- Don’t let your worries stop you from enjoying all the experiences XP East will be offering you.
- Everyone probably feels as nervous as you, so just keep smiling and someone will smile back! (love that one!)
Wise words from the founding year of XP East!
This Crew session gave me a good excuse to look through old photos and get a bit teary eyed at the first ones we had taken together at Malham Cove in 2017.

My, haven’t they grown? Not just in height and appearance, but also in character (especially over the last 3 months!)
I’m a little bit envious of my colleagues who are about to start their own unique journey with their new Crews… I hope their journey is as eventful, exciting and enriching as my own with Crew Finch.
In other news…
Well Done to Noah for winning the monthly Crew Quiz during Thursday’s hangout! Well done also to Thomas H for showcasing his excellent knowledge of ‘Animal Farm’, even with the cheeky bonus point questions (one which unintentionally gave a major spoiler – sorry about that, guys!)