Things are getting musical in Crew JRI

As another week draws steadily to a close, its really beginning to feel like our new year 7s have been at school forever (can’t believe it’s only been 5 weeks!) It has been fab to walk around lessons to see members of the crew working hard, getting smart and being kind.

In crew sessions lately we have been focussing on the topics of friendship and bullying, two very important topics for XP East and XP School. As a crew, we took some time to really look deeply into what makes a good and fulfilling friendship and I am very pleased that these kinds of friendships are already beginning to bloom beautifully as our time in school continues. Especially in times such as these, meaningful friendships are more important than ever. We also spoke about the tricky issue of Bullying and how this can affect peoples school lives. Everyone in crew was very supportive to each other about this topic which was fab to see, it was lovely to see such maturity when discussing such a serious issue. Shouts to Poppy and Amelia who gave fantastic contributions to the discussion

A particular highlight from the last two weeks was when Holly performed her song about 2020 for us (lyrics attached). Her voice was lovely and the words had brilliant meaning. I see a new star on the horizon!

I am enjoying seeing so much talent arising in our crew and I hope there will be more to share soon!