As part of Human, during case study 3 students learnt about the future of rail and how it will impact on Doncaster’s community. Students were introduced to the HS2 and the debate that is currently ongoing. After closely studying both sides of the debate students were encouraged to make an informed decision as to whether they were for or against HS2.
On the last day of term Explorer and Pioneer came together to debate whether they felt HS2 was a beneficial or not. Students spoke with amazing clarity around the points they were making, they were respectful to each other listening intently and responding in a professional manner to counter argue points.
After listening to all the arguments for and against, a student from each side of the debate made a closing speech. At this point the panel gave everyone to the chance to change sides if they felt they had been persuaded by the opposition. Nobody moved to ‘against’, 1 student switched to ‘for’ and 4 students were left undecided.
This was a fantastic way to end the term and our very first expedition in XP East, students were eager to argue their point and did so with passion and knowledge.