I spend every day looking for Silver Linings and encourage Crew to do the same. To be honest, they are harder to find on some days than others, but one of the best Silver Linings of the week came from Crew’s weekend check-in (slightly delayed until Thursday because of the Easter break.)
Now, weekend check-ins are usually dominated by tales of X-Boxing, You Tube watching and sleeping. And there’s nothing wrong with that! But there’s been a shift…
We’ve had the most beautiful weather lately and Crew have certainly been making the most of it. They checked-in with stories of Easter Egg hunts, epic bike rides, longs walks, board game playing, baking, DIY (!), running, interval training and even compost heap making! Yes, there was some Netflix binging in there too, but we’re only human, right?! (Plus, I’ve got some fab recommendations for my own binge-watch list!)
So the Silver Lining we took from this week’s hangout is that lockdown is making us all unplug from technology and spend more time with family. I’m super pleased that Crew are doing more physical activity, especially as I’m known to bang on and on about the positive impact physical activity and being outdoors has on our mental health (you see, Crew – I was right!)
Meanwhile, if you are struggling to find your own Silver Lining, have a read of this news story, showcasing 99-year old Captain Tom Moore’s fundraising efforts of the NHS (although I’m sure you’ve already seen it!) An inspiration to us all.
So, keeping with the outdoor theme, if we were at school we would be preparing for our practice DofE hike (this was scheduled for the end of April.). Obviously that won’t be going ahead, but we are looking at ways that students can carry on working towards their Bronze Award. Hopefully I’ll be able to share the new plan with you within the next couple of weeks, but there are lots of options in the proposal for the physical, skills and volunteering sections that can be done safely at home.
That’s all for this week. I look forward to checking in with Crew next week, and I’m really excited about Thursday’s quiz session!
Stay safe,
Mrs Parker