Right back where we started from…

So yesterday we returned to Malham Cove.  This is a very special place for us as a school, as it’s where we first got together as Crew.  I think it’s a fitting way to end what’s been an exhilarating, emotional and exciting first year together and all the students were thrilled to be back there!

We really enjoyed our time back in Malham (despite the lack of water in Janet’s Foss – the scene of our first ever Crew challenge!)

We climbed mountains together, walked miles together, got lost in a field together, and clambered over dry stone walls together!  The key word there is that we did everything “together”, just as we do every single morning in Crew and throughout the school day.

What a great way to spend a day: laughing, chatting and sharing memories…  We’ve spoken a lot about Crew over the past few weeks as part Expedition 360, but yesterday was all about our actions – not just words – confirming the very essence of Crew.

I could write a million things about each and every member of my Crew, about how much they’ve grown as individuals (and height!) and about how proud they make me every day.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again,I’ve got the best job in the world.  And it’s all thanks to Crew.

Next stop: Wales 😉