What have physics and chemistry got to do with cooking?
Chefistry is a Year 7 expedition, run between January and February which looks at the science involved in cooking.
The learning targets were :
- I can describe the key characteristics of the periodic table.
- I can use the particle model to illustrate physical change
- I can explain the difference between physical and chemical change
- I can relate energy changes in matter to rearrangement at the atomic level.
- I can cook a healthy savoury meal
- I can use ratio and proportion when cooking
Students began the learning expedition by visiting King Asia food manufacturer, where they learned about changes of state of matter, and then cooked a meal in the test kitchen and finally spent time finding out about food distribution and manufacture.
Students looked at a range of recipes, from boiling an egg, to tomato pasta, bread and homemade lemonade, each time studying the ratios involved, types of mixture such as solutions, colloids and suspensions and the physical and chemical changes at play as they cook.
They have created animations which show what is happening at the particle level when they cook, and also animations which help to explain the practical uses of ratio and proportion in cooking.
Students presented their learning to parents and visitors by hosting an evening meal for them, showcasing their animation which gave an insight into what was happening behind the scenes whilst they waited for students to cook and serve their beautiful dishes.
All resources relating to this expedition can be found below:
Final Product – Meal for Parents
Final Product – Animated Videos