Leadership at XP East

This is the common starting place for all our leadership resources.

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Leadership at XP – a summary of our growing leadership structure from Trust through to working groups.

XP Governance

Working Groups – Activities of current groups working towards KPIs

Stakeholder reports – annual summaries of achievement by the Trust

Whole School Self Evaluation Summary 2015/2016

SEF Live Document 2016/2017

School Development Plan

SEN Development Plan

Accessibility Plan

Whole School Strategy – These are weekly meetings involving the CEO, Executive Principal, Heads of School and wider leadership staff where appropriate, to ensure our KPIs are being met.

Big Picture

Professional Development

CAST – Curriculum and Standards

Mission Control

Crew – Curriculum for Crew, Expectations of Crew Leaders etc

Student-led Conferences (SLCs)

Curriculum Content and Coverage

Expedition Planning and Review



Portfolios of Evidence


Duke of Edinburgh (DofE)

English Literacy – Whole school approach

Mathematical Literacy – Whole school approach

REST – Resources

Staff Duty rota


Risk Management

Staffing and recruitment


Google Calendars

Beautiful Work procedures

CPOMs – Behaviour Logging

Fire Procedures

Readings from the Hurricane Island Outward Bound School

Resource Management

SOS – Registering Students

Staff Absences and signing in and out

Student leave of absence process

Discrete Maths