Introducing Crew Finch

As explained in a previous blog post, it is traditional for XP Crews to be named after inspirational role models.  We had narrowed our choices down to either Crew Peake (after astronaut Tim Peake) or Crew Atticus (after Atticus Finch).

After much debate, the Crew put it to me that they would quite like to be known as Crew Finch (inspired by characters from ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’) as the whole of the Finch family embody our Character Traits and HOWLs – not just Atticus.

There are lots of examples when Atticus, Scout and Jem show great integrity, respect, compassion and courage.  For example, Atticus defended a Black man despite knowing he was fighting a losing battle, and Scout and Jem having the courage to stand up against those who questioned their father’s choices.

As a Crew, I know that we’re not afraid to stand up for what believe in, either.   We always consider other people’s points of view and respect their opinions.  And – like the Finch family – we support and encourage one another every single day.  I like to think that the quote above represents us as a Crew, and shows that we are open-minded and eager to learn about the world (much like Scout!)

‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ is a very special book for our school; we enjoyed reading it together and it prompted many powerful discussions as part of our ‘Stand Up!’ Expedition.  I am delighted that we can honour the Finch family – and the book’s author, Harper Lee – by taking on their name.