Earth and Air

What is the Earth made of and how do I save it?

In Summer 2018, student in Year 7 (C24) studied STEAM and Arts learning expedition called “Earth and Air”.

The learning targets were :

  • I can describe the theory of the Big Bang
  • I can describe the structure of the earth
  • I can explain how the rock cycle relates to Doncaster
  • I can design a commemorative plaque
  • I can explain the Photosynthesis in Plants


The Earth’s atmosphere is a regular discussion point in the news. The deterioration and damage to the Earth has been unmanaged, un checked and devastating for the last 100 years. Things are changing, new technologies, systems and industry have been created in the 10 years to slow down this damage to Earth, but the question is, what are we saving, how are we doing it, and from what? We want our students to be stewards of the Earth, not just of a school.

The expedition kicked off with a visit to the Blue John Cavern where students went down a mineshaft into a cave, and were guided by a geography expert. They also looked at the layers of rock formed on the cliff side of the mountain. During the immersion students also looked at the big bang theory to understand where our Earth came from and to learn more about the ground beneath our feet.

Students studied the rock cycle and how specific rocks and minerals came to be where they are in Doncaster. This included fieldwork to sites at different rock strata in Doncaster dating from the Carboniferous, through to the Triassic period.

This first case study gave students the skills they needed to be able to carry out the second case study more independently. In the second case study, students worked in smaller groups to carry out a geological, geographical and historical accounts of our respective Earth.

The expedition culminated when they carried out a presentation of learning to an audience of their parents and other students to a planting a tree-exhibition, planting a tree in XP EAST new grounds in November. A plaque will also by placed with the tree with a year, date and name.

All resources relating to this expedition can be found below:

Final Product

(Will appear here shortly)